Answer Garden for Feedback

AnswerGarden is a social word cloud that makes it easy for teams and audiences to brainstorm or share ideas, opinions, and knowledge in an easy and immediate way.  It can be used by teachers to establish the knowledge level of a class on a certain topic. It can be used as icebreakers at conferences or workshops in a fun and interactive fashion. It can be used for online brainstorming sessions.

AnswerGarden is completely free, requires no registration, and takes only 2 minutes to set up.  Take part in my AnswerGarden by clicking on the logo below!


SMMRY for Summarization

SMMRY is a bookmark widget you drag and drop to your bookmarks bar from This tool will be ready to use on any website you visit. It’s that simple.

Go ahead, test it out. It’s real easy to use.

  • Visit a website with an article to read.
  • Click the SMMRY bookmark widget called One-Click Summary in the bookmarks bar.
  • By default, you’ll get the abridged version of the article with 7 sentences.

smmry for summarization

For more or fewer sentences, enter a new number in the sentence summary box at the top of the page.

Additionally, you can click the “Settings” button at the bottom to make adjustments such as excluding questions, exclamations, and quotations.


FlipQuiz for Classroom Review

Familiar with Jeopardy? Want to engage your students without the one-to-one technology?  Then FlipQuiz is for you!

FlipQuiz is a free web-based resource that is easy to use, low-tech, and has a simple, clean interface in both presentation mode and editor’s mode.  Create your own boards or search for others already created by educators like you.

In the toolbox provided with FlipQuiz, there are 2 randomizing tools to group students into teams or choose them individually.

Click on Demo Game to test out a real game board or view one of my own that was used in a faculty meeting to introduce the tool. My sample also shows that a game board can be embedded to a website.