Digital Passport


Students will complete 5 modules by Common Sense Media.

Communication – Twalkers
Students learn why it’s important to avoid multitasking with a cell phone. They consider the benefits of focusing on one task at a time.

  1. Show video – Amaya reflects on how she and her friends use their cell phones. (2:00)
  2. Essential Question – How can using a cell phone distract you?
  3. Discuss cell phone benefits and downsides.
  4. Vocabulary:
    1. distract – to make it hard for someone to focus on something
    2. multitask – to do more than one thing at a time
  5. Show video – Jennette McCurdy’s Chicken Commercial for Sake Kids USA (:30)
    What were the distractions? Was the chicken multitasking?
  6. Login to Digital Passport and play Twalkers.

Privacy – Share Jumper
Students evaluate examples of online messages. They decide what information is appropriate to share and when. Students are also reminded that nothing is truly “private” or “erasable” online.

  1. Show video – Eva reflects on a time where she shared something online that she later regretted. Her story helps students understand that nothing online is truly private, and encourages them to be mindful about what they post. (2:13)
  2. Essential Question – What information is safe and smart to put online?
  3. Discuss how hard it can be to erase posts once they are online.
    Give an example by having 2 students write a secret on a piece of paper (no one will see what they write). Then have those students erase what they have written.  Is it gone or can you still make parts of it out? If this secret were posted on the Internet and then removed a day later, do you think it would be gone forever?
  4. Vocabulary:
    1. private information – details about yourself, such as your date of birth, full name, address, school.
    2. digital footprint – all the stuff you leave behind as you use the Internet like comments on social media, Skype calls, app use and email records.
  5. Login to Digital Passport and play Share Jumpers.

Cyberbullying – Evolve
Students make choices about what to do if they or their friends are cyberbullied. They are encouraged to “evolve” into an “Upstander” – someone who takes action to stop cyberbullying, rather than standing by.

  1. Show video – Emma reflects on a time when she was a target of cyberbullying. Her story encourages students to think about inappropriate and hurtful online behavior, and encourages them to seek help from family and friends if cyberbullying takes place. (2:01)
  2. Essential Question – How can you become an Upstander when you see cyberbullying occur?
  3. Discuss what it would feel like if your friends ignored you when you needed help.
    Have students close their eyes and imagine the following:
    You are playing tag with your classmates at recess. You’re nervous because one of your classmates has been picking on your and treating you meanly. That classmate pushed you down and says, “Tag, you’re it!” You are hurt, but none of your friends stops to help.
  4. Vocabulary:
    1. private information – details about yourself, such as your date of birth, full name, address, school.
    2. digital footprint – all the stuff you leave behind as you use the Internet like comments on social media, Skype calls, app use and email records.
    3. upstander
    4. bystander
  5. As a whole group ask these questions for understanding of Upstanders and Bystanders.
    1. When my friend tells me that she keeps receiving mean texts from someone, I just change the subject. It’s not my problem!
    2. When I see people being mean to someone I know online, I print out what they are saying and find a way to help the person being teased.
    3. When I’m at my friend’s house and he starts pretending to be someone else online, I think it’s funny to see how other people respond.
    4. When someone in my class who has been cyberbullied is eating lunch alone, I ignore them because I don’t want people to start making fun of me.
    5. When my friend posts mean messages about a girl on our basketball team, I help her realize that she is being a cyberbully. I also help her find a good way to apologize.
  6. Login to Digital Passport and play Evolve.

Search – Search Shark
Students learn how to choose effective keywords for searching online. They practice selecting keywords that are most relevant to a search prompt. Along the way, students discover hints for narrowing their search results.

  1. Show video – Solomon shares a story about using keywords to find information online. His story encourages students to think about how they can use keywords to refine their search results, and how they can identify trustworthy websites. (2:46)
  2. Essential Question – Why is it important to choose the right keywords when you search online?
  3. Pull 2 students and have each of them describe an object using only 3 words, one at a time.
  4. Explain the results page and show examples of searches using keywords.
  5. Vocabulary:
    1. keyword – a word that relates to a topic that you use to search for information on the Internet
    2. results page – screen that displays search results
    3. search engine – software used to search the Internet for information (Google, Yahoo, Bing)
    4. web browser – software used to view/browse and Internet in a visibly pleasing display (Chrome, IE, Firefox, Safari) 
  6. Login to Digital Passport and play Search Shark.

Creative Credit – Mix-n-Mash
Students remix media content to create a new creative piece. Along the way, they give proper credit to the artists whose images and sound clips they use.

  1. Show video – Henry reflects on how he downloads content to make his own music mash-ups and video sequences. His story prompts students to consider both their creative rights and ethical responsibilities when creating and remixing content, and to think critically about plagiarism and piracy. (3:02)
  2. Essential Question – How do you properly give and receive credit for creative work?
  3. Give examples of how different types of creators get credit for their work.
    artist – write or paint their name and/or date on their canvas or page
    author – name on cover along with publisher and date inside the book
  4. Ask why creators want others to know that work is theirs.
    respect, not to profit, future prospects
  5. Vocabulary:
    1. copyright – a law that says only creators have the right to say what others can do with their work
    2. credit – to show in writing that someone has approved using their work
    3. plagiarize – using someone else’s work or idea as if you were the creator
  6. Login to Digital Passport and play Mix-n-Mash.


Digital Passport Login
Twalkers Module Guide
Share Jumpers Module Guide
Evolve Module Guide
Search Shark Module Guide
Mix-n-Mash Module Guide