Innovation Center

Mobile Innovation Stations

We are moving STEM to the classroom with our mobile Innovation Stations. Design challenges began September 29, 2021, with our 4th and 5th-grade students during their Computer Encore time. Following this 6 day rotation will be 2nd and 3rd-grade students and thereafter PreK, K, and 1st-grade students.

The design challenges were chosen for critical thinking and collaboration in addition to having enough supplies to accommodate all classes. This is where we could use some help and ask for recyclable materials and perhaps some additional supplies.

We are collecting the following items through the month of October. Students may drop of any of these items at the Innovation Center and place them on the table under the TV.

  • precut flat pieces of cardboard squares/rectangles (amazon boxes, cereal or soda packs)
  • paper towel and toilet paper rolls
  • small paper bags
  • plastic cups (any size)
  • rubber bands
  • paper clips
  • package stuffing (paper and/or bubble wrap)
  • foil
  • cotton balls
  • fabric scraps
  • foam scraps
  • sponges
  • small branch sticks (about 12″ in length)
  • a few bags of leaves

Thank you for your support in engaging our students in meaningful, challenging activities for all.

~ Ms. Anderson

Top Supporters

  • DonorsChoose
    • Paul and Kathie Spivack from New York
    • PNC Bank
    • Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  • PTA
    • 4 Lego Walls and Starter Bricks

Dear Paul and Kathie,
I’m hoping you find this message and reach out through my work email: The principal, assistant principals, and I are deeply touched by your generosity and continued support. We would like to invite you to our school to see the center you helped make happen. If this appeals to you, please reach out.

Rules of the Center – Do Not Interrupt Learning!

  • No food or drink.
  • Use inside voices.
  • Obey Station Keys.
  • Pick up after yourself.
  • Do not disassemble other student’s work.
  • Work together to solve challenges at each station.

Dahlgren Visits for 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders

  • September 12, 2019 – Electricity and Magnetism
  • October 10, 2019 – AeroDynamics
  • November 14, 2019 – Sound
  • December 12, 2019 – Robotics

Teachers will be given follow-up activities after each Dahlgren visit to use in their classroom or in the Innovation Center.


Activities will be rotated twice a month (1st and 16th). If this day falls on a weekend, then it will be the following weekday. There will be no make-up days for holidays or school breaks.

  • K-2 will have activities/challenges on days 1-15 of each month.
  • 3-5 will have activities/challenges on days 16-31 of each month.
