
SEARCHING ON THE INTERNET – Part One (4th and 5th Grade)

Discuss Search Engines (Google, Yahoo, Bing) and what they do.
Differentiate Search Engines from Web Browsers (Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari).

Warm Up
Pull 3 students and have each of them describe an object in the room using only 3 words, one at a time.


  • keywords – important words related to an object or topic
  • precise – clear, exact, detailed
  • results page – screen that displays your search results
  • synonyms – words with the same meaning

Exercise  (Search engines: Google, Yahoo, Bing)
Display with the whole group using any of the questions below.  Ask for keywords.
Explain results page (bolded keywords, website URL’s (legitimate or junk), summary, and title.

  1. What foods are toxic to dogs? (Name four) 
  2. What breeds of dogs are the smartest? (Name four)
  3. What jobs do dogs do for people? (Name four)
  4. What are some of the smallest and largest dog breeds? (Name two of each)

Pair students and hand out the Doggy Data – The Key To Keywords activity sheet (3 questions).

Solve the “A Google A Day” Internet search puzzle using the best keywords. If the answer is displayed, read the clues to learn from it and find the answer on your own.  Are you up for the challenge?

Assessment (if time permits, otherwise lead in with Part Two)

1. ___________________ are the most important words related to a subject. You type these into a search engine to find the information you want.

a) Passwords
b) Keywords
c) Crosswords

2. Mike is getting ready to search for information about gardening. Which set of keywords will NOT help Mike find information about gardening?

a) planting, season, water
b) fire, forest, horse
c) temperature, soil, seeds

3. Keena wants to find information about great restaurants in Florida. Which keywords could she use to search?

a) best restaurants Florida
b) top eats Florida
c) a or b

4. Daryl wants to attend a Division 1A college where they have a soccer team and she can major in PA. What keywords would give her the best results?

a) college, major, division 1A
b) soccer, PA, division 1A
c) division 1A, soccer, college

Lesson Plan from Common Sense Education
Doggy Data – The Key To Keywords
Video on NY teacher delivering lesson (6:36)


Review Vocabulary from Part One
keywords, precise, results page, search engine, web browser

Assessment from Part One (above)
Project questions one by one and discuss with whole group

Introduction to Advanced Search
Getting more specific search results using search operators (punctuation/symbols) and the advanced search form.


  • search operators – characters or symbols used with keywords to narrow down and improve search results
  • alternative – a different way to say or do something


  • search with quotation marks: give me liberty or give me death – search will contain the entire phrase in that order – point out the number of results and then show the search without quotations
  • search:  thirteen colonies AND Maine – discuss the results then compare without AND
  • search:  volcano OR volcanoes – discuss the results then compare without OR
  • settings: advanced search – fill out form for an image of a panda bear that is free to use

Remember to check the validity of the site and use more than one search to confirm your findings.
Keep in mind that anyone can create a website and post it to the Internet – no one checks the information posted on sites – and that sites change constantly, new ones are added, and others are deleted. 


Have students play Search Shark for keyword practice (10 minutes) and then take the 10 question quiz

Solve the “A Google A Day” Internet search puzzle using the best keywords. If the answer is displayed, read the clues to learn from it and find the answer on your own.  Are you up for the challenge?