



  • Sponge Lab – digital learning – fabulous resource
  • Sheppard Software on Science – games and quizzes
  • FossWeb – Active learning science program
  • Weebly Interactives – Science interactives for center rotations
  • The Weather Channel – Site features current conditions and forecasts for over 98,000 locations worldwide, along with local and regional radars.
  • Science for Everyday Life – Enter a world of cool science through brain boggling games and virtual investigations! Uncover inventions that have made progress possible. Explore virtual labs. Design, build and test an interactive wind turbine and so much more.
  • Study Jams – Review a number of science concepts with this collection of videos and songs with quizzes.
  • Science Kids – Learn more about the amazing world of science by enjoying our fun science experiments, cool facts, online games, free activities, ideas, lesson plans, photos, quizzes, videos & science fair projects.


  • Scribble Maps
  • Weebly Interactives – Social Studies activities for center rotations
  • USI and USII – Foldable activities
  • Virginia Studies Foldables
  • iCivics – Prepare young Americans to become knowledgeable, engaged 21st century citizens by creating free and innovative educational materials.
  • US House of Representatives – Want to learn about how the House works? Looking for a step-by-step description of how Congress makes laws? Interested in the Congressional Page Program? Want to book a school tour of the Capitol? The resources in this section contain a wealth of information for educators and students.
  • A Book in Time – Teaching Social Studies for kids with books, games, activities, projects, crafts and more.
  • Earthcam – Check out places on earth in “real time”.  Great for writing projects, changes over time, animal observation, etc.
  • Geography – Download interactive geography US maps and world maps.
  • Early American History – Short films of noteworthy famous moments in early American history.
  • American Centuries – Explore American history through these collections and activities.
  • Timeline – Create a timeline – you won’t be able to save it, but you can print it.
  • Egyptian Tomb Adventure – interactive activity. others like it listed also.
Social Studies Activities
Social Studies Videos