Latitude and Longitude Lines

[USI.1g] Longitude and latitude lines, as well as the equator and prime meridian are explained in this clip from “Dig Into History with California Jones: California Regions.”

Kid Clocks

Kid ClockMath/Physical Education Activity

Use a pencil and a long piece of string to make a large circular clock on the classroom floor. Yarn or tape can be used to mark this outside rim of your clock. Students will make numerals on large pieces of cardboard and stand in the appropriate place on the face of the clock. Select one student to carry the big hand and one the little hand. Prepare ahead a set of time cards, some in digital format and some analog. One child will select a time and the ones with the hands will illustrate the time. Vary the game by having some cards say things like “advance five minutes” or “time elapsed 35 minutes,” etc.

Graphite Resource

Graphite is a free service from Common Se > nse Media where you can find the best apps, games, websites, and digital curricula rated for learning.

Sort by:

  • TYPE (apps, consoles/pc games/websites)
  • SUBJECTS (language/reading, math, science, social studies, art, hobbies)
  • GRADES (prek-12)

Tell Your Story With Fotobabble

FotobabbleFotobabble is a free service that provides photo and audio powered social marketing solutions for businesses, brands and nonprofits. Fotobabble’s integrated application helps organizations attract and engage audiences across web, mobile and social networks.

Check out my Fotobabble example of how you can use it with your students.

Benefits of using Fotobabble:

  • Engage and attract audiences in an integrated way across mobile, web and social networks.
  • Run unique contests and promotions from Facebook pages and offer users the ability to submit photo entries with or without audio/voice.
  • Drive high levels of audience interaction – content creation, voting, commenting, and sharing of user-generated submissions.
  • Capture and share mobile photo and audio content on location and in real time.
  • Tell compelling product or service stories with Talking Photos and Talking Slideshows.
  • Allow your staff or your fans to create and share branded holiday e-greetings personalized with photos and voice.
  • Customize the look and feel of the app using simple administrative tools and pre-designed templates.
  • Use our widgets to embed your galleries and slideshows within a website or blog or simply and easily share content via email, Twitter, and Facebook.

Get started today and share your story with Fotobabble Talking Photos.
Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy Level R – REMEMBERBING and C – CREATING