How Will You Use ClassDojo This Year?

To celebrate the start of a fantastic new school year together, ClassDojo is sending iPad minis and Nexus 7 tablets to teachers who win their back-to-school contest.

Just answer the following question via Twitter, or a public Facebook post, and include the #ClassDojoLove hashtag, by Friday August 23rd:

What learning habits, behaviors, or skills do you want to build with your students this year?

We’re sending an iPad mini or Nexus 7 tablet to our favorites! Feel free to send in more than one – just make sure you include the #ClassDojoLove hashtag! See the following example.

This year I’m using @ClassDojo to manage my class, develop positive character strengths, and share progress with parents #ClassDojoLove
— Mojo (@ClassDojoMojo) August 5, 2013

“This Is How We Do It” Series

There is some great teaching going on in our Elementary Schools that I started video taping some of the teaching styles and techniques that students respond to and connect. My YouTube One Channel will host the videos I put together. My purpose for sharing is to spotlight techniques that work and give teachers a chance to see themselves in action. If you have a special knack for getting your students to learn what you present, then please invite me to your classroom. For a peek at my new series, visit My YouTube One Channel.

  • Cindy Honeycutt teaches her students how to remember where the US Regions are located. (SS USII.2c)
  • Jennifer Hall teaches her students the meaning of scarcity through song. (SS 2.9)
  • Kelly Smither teaches Shared Reading and Word Building. (LA K.1-8, K.11)

Voki in the Classroom

Go ahead, click the play button to hear what I have to say!

Did you know that Voki has a lesson plan database, teacher’s corner, and newsletter available at no cost to you?  If you don’t know about Voki avatars or you haven’t visited their site in a while, then now is the time to check out how far they have come.  Your students are sure to embrace this technology and become engaged!