Answer Garden for Feedback

AnswerGarden is a social word cloud that makes it easy for teams and audiences to brainstorm or share ideas, opinions, and knowledge in an easy and immediate way.  It can be used by teachers to establish the knowledge level of a class on a certain topic. It can be used as icebreakers at conferences or workshops in a fun and interactive fashion. It can be used for online brainstorming sessions.

AnswerGarden is completely free, requires no registration, and takes only 2 minutes to set up.  Take part in my AnswerGarden by clicking on the logo below!


Google Math Add-On for Google Drive

Google Drive Math Add-on

Create and insert Math Expressions and Graphs in Google DOCS, SHEETS and FORMS using a new add-on for Google Drive called g(Math).  This guide has instructions for accessing the g(Math) add-on and step-by-step instructions for using it.  Use g(Math) with Google Forms to create online math quizzes and tests.  For multiple choice quizzes, you can use the Flubaroo add-on in Drive to grade the quiz for you!

Google Math Images showing directions

Google Add-On showing ways to use

DocuTube Add-On for Google Docs

Interested in viewing video from a Google Doc without having to leave your document?

Google Docs does not allow you to embed videos directly into a document leaving you having to jump in and out of your document to view the video. Introducing DocuTube!  This add-on creates an embedded YouTube video in a popup using the links in the document.

Things to know about DocuTube:

  • Plays videos without having to leave the document
  • Easy to set up as the creator and as the viewer
  • Only plays videos that are on YouTube
  • DocuTube add-on must be installed for viewer
  • Users need editing rights in the document in order to use the add-on

SMMRY for Summarization

SMMRY is a bookmark widget you drag and drop to your bookmarks bar from This tool will be ready to use on any website you visit. It’s that simple.

Go ahead, test it out. It’s real easy to use.

  • Visit a website with an article to read.
  • Click the SMMRY bookmark widget called One-Click Summary in the bookmarks bar.
  • By default, you’ll get the abridged version of the article with 7 sentences.

smmry for summarization

For more or fewer sentences, enter a new number in the sentence summary box at the top of the page.

Additionally, you can click the “Settings” button at the bottom to make adjustments such as excluding questions, exclamations, and quotations.


Tour Builder With Google

Did you know that Tour Builder is not simply a tool for geography or map skills? Tour Builder can be used cross-curricular. It’s a free tool created by Google.

With Tour Builder, you can create virtual tours or tell a story on a map that includes locations, images, videos, descriptive narratives, and hyperlinks. These tours can be the retelling the events from a novel, tracing locations of a historical event, visiting different biomes or landforms around the world, showing animals and their habitats, visiting ancient cultures, or famous landmarks in history.

Tours can be viewed by others in Tour Builder, or take it a step further and import them into Google Earth for a full 3D experience!

Example Tours below (provided by Eric Curts).