Kinesthetic activity for Thomas Jefferson, George Mason, George Washington, and James Madison along with the Virginia Declaration of Rights and Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom documents.
Activity Download: VS.6ab – DocumentDataDiskCutOut
Instructional Technology | Innovation Specialist | Retired June 2022
Kinesthetic activity for Thomas Jefferson, George Mason, George Washington, and James Madison along with the Virginia Declaration of Rights and Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom documents.
Activity Download: VS.6ab – DocumentDataDiskCutOut
For the Auditory Learner on the Declaration (3:22) Song: It’s Too Late To Apologize
Science SOL 2.5ac, 2.7
Pictures are examples created by teachers at the 2014 VCEC Conference.
Turn photos into trading cards!
Imagine students using Trading Cards to learn about Explorers or famous Americans. Students could work in small groups with each group member designing their own trading card that can be traded with the other groups so that each student ends up with a trading card of each explorer or famous American.
Check out Trading Cards and lots of other photo enhanced programs at Big Huge Labs.
George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Can you identify these American leaders and tell about their contributions to our great country?