Coogle – Collaborative Mind Mapping

Here’s another Google app you might be interested in.  Coogle is a tool for building mind maps. Students work independently or collaboratively. Finished mind maps can be saved as PDF’s or PNG image files for sharing.

Use Coogle for any subject matter. It’s free and offers the following:

3 private diagrams, Unlimited public diagrams, Real-time collaboration, Over 1600 beautiful icons, Unlimited image uploads, PDF & Image download, Shared folders, Unconnected text boxes, Export as .mm and text, Comments & Chat

The Learning Journal

Seesaw is a free student-driven digital portfolio app that empowers students (as young as 5!) to independently create, capture, and share artifacts of learning.


Collect and Organize Digital and Physical Work in One Place
∙ View entire class feed, or sort by individual student or subject area.
∙ Use folders to organize content by subject or learning goals.
∙ Great for parent-teacher conferences, assessments, or student self-reflection.
∙ Access student content anywhere, anytime from iOS app or on the web.

Designed for K and up to Use Independently
∙ Gives students ownership of their own space to create & record what they learn.
∙ Students can add text and voice recordings to journal items to reflect, explain, and develop their academic voice
∙ Simple QR code login, student-friendly content creation tools, and teacher approval of new items all make Seesaw safe for students to use independently.

Add All Types of Student Work
∙ Use our suite of creative tools to create photos, videos, drawings or notes.
∙ Add directly from many popular content creation apps (Shadow Puppet Edu, PicCollage, Book Creator, Explain Everything, iMovie, Skitch, Keynote, Pages, Numbers, Docs, Pages, Drive, and more).
∙ Kid-friendly camera only takes a photo when subject is in focus and camera is steady.

Spring Break Geocaching On Way To Florida

I drove south to the Sunshine State over spring break to visit my family and during my travels I took a little time to geocache so I could earn the state badge.  There were some interesting finds along the way.  My favorite was the tower.  Dana and I hit one ‘did not find’ cache in NC.  We spent 40 minutes on that little bear and surely looked like a couple of fools on the ground.  What made it fun was laughing at ourselves and each other for being so determined and coming up unable to log the find.  Some of the GPS coordinates had us going in circles. What’s up with that geocachers of America?

Interactives for Center Rotation

These interactive learning games at help kids in building skills needed for success in school. While playing fun educational games, kids learn to read with phonics, build skills in math, language, social studies, science and more. Educational videos encourage children to keep learning.

What’s also nice is that these activities can be embedded to your website. If you have a favorite activity, post it. That way your child’s parents can see what their child is learning when they visit your site.

This site is loaded with good stuff for getting the kids engaged. It’s a perfect resource for K-1 to use as a center in small group rotation using the interactive whiteboard. Check it out!  I’m sure you’ll find the site a favorite. Pictured are samples of activities.

2.11, 3.11b – Famous Americans

3rd grade students at Madison Elementary display their paper bag projects. Can you identify them?
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Jackie Robinson, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Rosa Parks, Thurgood Marshall, Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez