Dotstorming – Pinterest-like Collaboration Board

Looking for a brainstorming or decision making platform where participants can vote and comment using a visual polling type tool?

Dotstorming is a web-based real-time group brainstorming and decision making app that takes the process of dot voting online to allow groups of people to collaborate on a topic.

For example, post pictures of artwork and have students cast their vote for which picture is the work of Michelangelo, then ask students to comment by explaining why they made their choice.  Solid circles at the bottom left of the image represents votes and comments made are tallied at the bottom right.


  • Create a Dotstorming board
  • Invite participants
  • Add your ideas
  • Vote on the ideas you likedotstorming



Bingo Cards Customized

Take your average bingo card and customize it with this free online resource.  Play in class with printed out cards or online using a PC or mobile device.

Grid sizes include:  3×3, 4×4, 5×5 – customize your set today and engage your students in a good ole classic game of bingo.

bingo online
Online Play
bingo cards
Printed Card

“Your Try/My Try” Spelling Chart

your try/my tryHow many times a day do your students ask you, “How do you spell ___?”

Make the writing process easier for you and your students using this risk free spelling chart that will keep your students writing.  Students refer to the chart while writing thus freeing up your time to meet with more students and provide assistance.  It takes every little time to implement this in your classroom. Click the image to be directed to Runde’s Room and read about her classroom experience.

Nearpod for Instruction and Assessment

nearpodGet your students engaged by delivering interactive lessons containing videos, virtual reality, images and slideshows, websites, sways, and assessment tools like fill-in-the-blank, open-ended responses, multiple choice, and freehand drawings. Nearpod converts your already created PowerPoint lessons with ease and can also be assigned as homework in Google Classroom lickety-split. This is a one-to-one solution making good use of mobile device technology (laptops, smartphones, tablets). Free accounts are available and premium features come with a cost. This program packs a powerful punch for both teacher and students. Take a look for yourself and if the technology is there, chalk this one up as a must-use tool in your classroom.

Quizizz for Google Classroom

Engage your students with Quizizz, a multi-user and self-paced assessment tool that makes reviewing a snap. The program can be used on any device with a web browser. Ready to use activities are plentiful or you can create your own. The nice thing with Quizizz is that it integrates well with Google Classroom making assignments a breeze.

See my recent post on Quizizz and Kahoot!