Grading Policy for 9-12 IKAA-R

It shall be the responsibility of all teachers and administrators to insure the following regulations are followed:

Summative Assessments – 70%
possible items for evaluation to determine a student’s grade and thus their level of achievement:

  • Tests*
  • Quizzes
  • Special Projects—if designed for students to be able to demonstrate learning and achievement.
  • Lab Work— if designed for students to be able to demonstrate learning and achievement.
  • Writing Assignments

*State SOL assessments will be the final exam for EOC courses, except in the case of advanced/honors classes.

Formative Assessments – 30%
possible items for evaluation can be graded; however, as they do not reflect a student’s level of achievement, they should not be a major part of the student’s grade

  • Class Work
  • Notebooks
  • Homework – cannot count more than 10% of a student’s grade in a grading period
  • Participation – not to be counted in a student’s grade, unless it is a stated part of the learning goal as in a fine arts or physical education course

Semester examinations for year-long courses and mid-term examinations for semester courses may not count more than 20% in grades 6-12.

Frequency of Evaluation for Grades 9-12
Formative evaluations must be ongoing through the many different methods available, i.e. questions to check for understanding, homework, class work, etc.
There must be a minimum of eight evaluations per grading period, averaging 2 per week.

Grading Policy 9-12 and Gradebook Setup

Please see me if you need help with setting up your gradebook.