Ozobot Simulator Now Online

You don’t need Ozobots to learn how to use them. Start with the online simulator using any device with internet access and you can block code in a workspace then test run your code. This is a good way to problem solve your code before uploading it to the actual Ozobot by way of placing an Ozobot on the screen for the transmission of code, much like OzoBlockly. How cool is that!

This resource is a great way to engage learners working remotely AND, it’s completely free to use!

ImageFu for Buttons and Badges

Whether it be Seesaw, Canvas, Schoology or anything you want to fancy up a bit, creating buttons that link is one way to do that. With ImageFu (a free resource) you can simply crank out some buttons or badges in no time at all.

This button is a link to the school website.
This badge does not link to anything but certainly can if you want it to.

Mind Yeti for Seesaw

Create a calm, focused, and kind classroom.

So, what exactly is Mind Yeti? Mind Yeti is the practice of paying attention to things as they are right now with kindness and curiosity.

Research shows that practicing mindfulness – even for a few minutes per day can improve emotional regulation, self-awareness and self-acceptance, execute functional skills like focusing and paying attention, and promote pro-social behaviors and kindness acts. The more students engage in mindfulness exercises, the greater the impact.

Click the word Activities to gain access to the Mind Yeti resources. Transitions are the perfect time to practice mindfulness as a class, such as the beginning of the day, between subjects, before or after lunch, or at the end of the day.

Schoology’s Elementary Experience

Schoology, now affiliated with PowerSchool, is working to develop a friendlier user interface for elementary students with implementation planned for the 21-22 school year. If you are familiar with Seesaw, then this interface will please you as the look and feel will be similar. This article from PowerSchool will show an example of the interface and tell about some of the features.

Please take note that CCPS has not made its decision at this point in time what the LMS for elementary use will be for the 21-22 school year.

Left, Center, Right – View All Sides

How do you know what is fact and what is fake in today’s news stories?

AllSides is an unbiased balanced news website that takes today’s top stories and displays them side-by-side (left, center, right) so you can do a comparison of how one story is portrayed from the different political viewpoints. From there, you decide what is real and what is stretched or simply take note of how bias may play into the reporting of journalist’s personal beliefs.