Padlet – Your Online Pinboard

Padlet is an easy to use Internet application that works like an online pinboard where people can express thoughts on a topic, brainstorm ideas, and share content like images, videos, etc.  Posts to Padlet give you the option to list your name, nickname, or no name at all.

This service works online or through an app for mobile devices making it readily available with ease. Padlet boards can be shared with others through social media, links, qr codes, or embedded on your website as shown below.

Made with Padlet

More examples can be viewed here.

Kubbu – eLearning Web Tool

This is a free web-based e-learning tool designed to facilitate teachers’ work and enhance the learning process for your students.  Teacher accounts are limited to 30 students and 15 activities at any time.  kubbu activities


This web resource would be beneficial in a whole group interactive session or assigned to students individually in centers or through Google Classroom. Data can be collected on each student.

quiz slider - prepositions
Quiz Slider Example




Check out the sample activities and see how easy and useful this tool can be in your classroom.

match - word definitions
Dominoes Match Activity



Register today!

Great tool for all subject matter.

360° Panoramic Virtual Tours

Where would you like to go today? Croatia? Scotland? or the Ukraine? ROUNDME is a service that allows users to explore the global community through panoramic photos.

roundmeView and enjoy a beautiful space then look into a portal and be transported to a completely new location. In addition to portals, Roundme features interactive ‘hotspots’ of content which allow viewers to learn more about the space around them.

Not only is this app free for touring the world but it also allows you to create your own virtual tours with panoramic shots and share them with others on social media, websites, or through links. The tours you create can be filled with hotspots to text, links, photos, video, sounds, and maps.

So you decide… tourist or a tour guide?

Roundme is available for Apple and Android devices and on the web too.

PenPal Schools for Digital Literacy

PenPal Schools is a web-based platform connection students through online curriculum ​to ​practice skills and explore the world.

Connect with over 100,000 students in 170 countries to learn together. PenPals ages 8 and up collaborate through high-quality online courses to learn about cultures and global challenges while practicing language and technology skills. Weekly lessons can be completed at any time from any device to easily fit into busy class schedules.

White House App Gives Augmented Tour

You won’t need a security clearance to get a tour of the White House with this free augmented reality app built by the White House Historical Association and Nexus Studios.

“1600” gives you a fun and interactive tour of the White House while learning about presidents, holidays, and major seasonal events like state arrival ceremonies and the Easter Egg Roll.

Check it out!  All you need is a tablet and a dollar bill to take the tour. When you are finished, your dollar goes back in your pocket. 🙂