Memes With a Purpose

Have you ever thought about using memes as a fun and creative tool in education?

Memes are everywhere… in educational games, social media, and in advertising.  Most often, memes portrait a sense of humor that fits right in line with the image chosen.  Memes are pictures with text imposed to relay a message. Examples of how you could have your students create memes with a purpose are:

  • quote a person in history
  • define a vocabulary word
  • explain a science fact
  • prove a math concept
  • redesign a book cover
  • create a word wall
  • tie it into a QR code activity

Memes can be made in many ways such as with Word and Google Docs/Drawings or you can use websites like or  Having students create their own memes allows them to show what they have learned and how they chose to communicate their ideas.


Tour Builder With Google

Did you know that Tour Builder is not simply a tool for geography or map skills? Tour Builder can be used cross-curricular. It’s a free tool created by Google.

With Tour Builder, you can create virtual tours or tell a story on a map that includes locations, images, videos, descriptive narratives, and hyperlinks. These tours can be the retelling the events from a novel, tracing locations of a historical event, visiting different biomes or landforms around the world, showing animals and their habitats, visiting ancient cultures, or famous landmarks in history.

Tours can be viewed by others in Tour Builder, or take it a step further and import them into Google Earth for a full 3D experience!

Example Tours below (provided by Eric Curts).

ZipQuiz for Math, Science, English, History and Geography

From the makers of Quizizz, ZipQuiz is a free fun new way for students to practice (and compete) on their favorite school subjects!

Students select a subject and a grade, and magically receive a short 60-second quiz just for them. Students can play on their own, or compete against students from around the world. They can even challenge friends to beat their score!  There are thousands of questions for grades 1-12 in Math, Science, English, History, and Geography.
*Currently the app is only available on iOS. Stay tuned for the Android version to hit soon.

Front Row Education for K-8

A differentiated approach to adaptive learning – keep your students learning and engaged this summer!

Front Row offers a suite of tools across Math, ELA and Social Studies to help your students grow. • Math – 34,000+ questions aligned to K-8 standards • ELA – 400+ ELA articles, each available in multiple reading levels • Social Studies – Ready-to-go lessons • Data reports – Over 15 reports to track student growth • Benchmark assessments

Lessons are common core aligned. Students begin by taking a pretest within a domain then move to practice sets, lessons, and assessments. Front Row will always be free for teachers. Set up your account today.

Google Arts and Culture

Attention teachers who teach science, history, and art!

This resource is fabulous.  Google unveiled a resource for you that will help you and your students discover works and artifacts, allowing you to immerse yourself in cultural experiences from a myriad of museums across 70 countries around the world. Search projects, experiments, artists, mediums, art movements, historical events, historical figures, and places. Watch the intro video and check out the examples below.