Digital ReadWorks for Comprehension K-12

Improve reading comprehension with Digital ReadWorks for students in grades K-12.  This resource is web-based and imports nicely into Google Classroom.  Accounts are free for teachers.  The site is easy to navigate and allows you to collect formative data as your students work through the assignments you give them. Grading is automatic. Subject material for all topics (social studies, science, literary, skills and strategies, and special collections).

  • Find & Assign Articles
    • award–winning, authentic, nonfiction and literary articles
  • Create Classes
    • for assignments and formative assessments
  • Students Read Online
    • students engage with articles and curriculum online
  • Support Progress
    • view and evaluate formative assessment data

Online Questions with Automatic Grading from ReadWorks on Vimeo.

How students get to their assignments:

  1. Students go to:
  2. Students sign in with their Google account.
  3. Students enter class code given by their teacher.

Google Cardboard for Virtual Reality

Cardboard puts virtual reality on your smartphone.  Made from AAA grade corrugated paper, the Google Cardboard headset is an affordable means to experience virtual reality using a smartphone and VR apps.

There are hundreds of VR apps available in the app stores for your viewing pleasure.  Set up a cardboard viewer and off you go.  google cardboard

From haunted houses, roller coaster rides, the Eiffel tower, scuba diving, and much, much more, you can experience a world of adventure all within reach.

Check out the cardboard headset and download your favorite VR apps for an experience you’re sure to enjoy.


Dotstorming – Pinterest-like Collaboration Board

Looking for a brainstorming or decision making platform where participants can vote and comment using a visual polling type tool?

Dotstorming is a web-based real-time group brainstorming and decision making app that takes the process of dot voting online to allow groups of people to collaborate on a topic.

For example, post pictures of artwork and have students cast their vote for which picture is the work of Michelangelo, then ask students to comment by explaining why they made their choice.  Solid circles at the bottom left of the image represents votes and comments made are tallied at the bottom right.


  • Create a Dotstorming board
  • Invite participants
  • Add your ideas
  • Vote on the ideas you likedotstorming



Kodable – Programming Basics for K-5

Kodables easy to follow lesson plans focus on student outcomes for learning to code. Programming promotes critical thinking and problem solving skills that benefit students in every day life.

This coding tool is web-based and also available for Apple and Android alike.
Free Kick Starter Account Access includes:

  • Unlimited student licenses
  • 12 weeks of lessons and student activities
  • Track student mastery
  • Access on any device
  • Informal assessment tools built into lessons

Padlet – Your Online Pinboard

Padlet is an easy to use Internet application that works like an online pinboard where people can express thoughts on a topic, brainstorm ideas, and share content like images, videos, etc.  Posts to Padlet give you the option to list your name, nickname, or no name at all.

This service works online or through an app for mobile devices making it readily available with ease. Padlet boards can be shared with others through social media, links, qr codes, or embedded on your website as shown below.

Made with Padlet

More examples can be viewed here.