Black or White Feature in Google Slides

Have you ever presented to a group of people using Google Slides and needed to pull your audience back in or just simply get their attention on the spot?

You can interrupt your presentation by displaying a plain black or white slide with a simple shortcut using the B or W key on the keyboard. Take a look at my example using the QR Code below.

New Google Meet Interface

Coming in May, schools on the rapid release schedule will begin rolling out the new layout on May 3rd and schools on the scheduled release will begin rolling out on May 17th. Both releases could take up to two weeks to complete.

In the meantime, take a look at Eric Curts’ overview of what’s to come. Google listened to the needs of educators and other users and made some fabulous changes. After watching Eric’s 5 minute video, I think you will agree.

QR Codes On-the-Fly With Chrome

Looking for a quick and easy way to create QR Codes with Google Chrome that doesn’t require an app or extension?

If you have an updated version of Chrome, then you have the built-in feature to create QR Codes on the fly of the website you are currently visiting. When you click in the URL bar in Chrome, you will see the following appear to the far right in the bar. Click download and you’ve got your QR Code ready to share. Using Chrome for the rapid generator does not give you the features to make it fancy but if you want a quick and easy code to share, this is your ticket.

Google Meet Translate

This built-in tool can be especially handy for students who don’t speak English. The Google Meet menus, chat conversations, and live closed captions can be translated in real-time.

Eric Curts, Google Expert provides step-by-step instructions with pictures and a short 5 minute video for visual learners on how to engage the translation tool in Google Meet.

Google Meet Translate Tutorial by Eric Curts

Paint Tool Marker for Chrome Annotations

Have you ever wanted to annotate over a webpage to point out key facts instead of swirling your cursor around an area on the site?

There is a Google Chrome extension called Paint Tool that gives you the basic tools and color palette for doing just that. See my example below that shows a drawing tool and color change. The toolbar displays in the top right corner of your Chrome web browser. This is a handy-dandy tool for highlighting key facts.