
Wish your students “Good Luck” on their SOL tests; display a warm greeting as students enter class; review sight words; interpret foreign language phrases; the choice is yours in how you want to communicate with your students on the big screen.

Gzaas is a web-based tool for quickly sharing a full-screen message with your class. Check out my samples below.

A heed of warning… only display your message and forget the navigation buttons at the bottom. Advancing through public messages may display something inappropriate.

Purple Comet! Math Meet!

Purple Comet! Math Meet is a free, on-line, international, team mathematics competition designed for middle and high school students conducted annually since 2003.

The problems range in difficulty from fairly easy to extremely challenging. Compete with tens of thousands of students from nearly 60 countries.

  • Middle school teams have 60 minutes to work on 20 problems
  • High school teams have 90 minutes to work on 30 problems
  • Each problem has a solution that is a non-negative integer
  • Teams are comprised of 1 – 6 students
  • For more information, go to purplecomet.org

There are 421 registered teams from 25 countries. The contest will take place April 2 – April 11, 2019.

Peace-Building Essay Contest

Since 2015 the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) has partnered with the American Foreign Service Association (AFSA) on its annual National High School Essay Contest. The contest engages high school students in learning and writing about issues of peace and conflict, and encourages appreciation for diplomacy’s role in building partnerships that can advance peacebuilding and protect national security.

In a 1,000- to 1,250-word essay, students identify two cases—one they deem successful and one they deem unsuccessful—where the US pursued an integrated approach to build peace in a conflict-affected country. They should analyze and compare these two cases, addressing the following questions: (a) What relative strengths did members of the Foreign Service and military actors bring to the table? What peace-building tools were employed? Ultimately, what worked or did not work in each case? (b) How was each situation relevant to US national security interests? (c) What lessons may be drawn from these experiences for the pursuit of US foreign policy more broadly?

The winner of the contest will receive a $2,500 cash prize, an all-expenses-paid trip to Washington, DC, to meet leadership at the US Department of State and USIP, and a full-tuition-paid voyage with Semester at Sea, a multi-country study abroad program, upon enrollment at an accredited university. The runner-up will receive a $1,250 cash prize and a full scholarship to participate in the International Diplomacy Program of the National Student Leadership Conference. A freely downloadable Study Guide includes the essay questions, prizes, and rules for the contest; an introduction to foreign policy tools; key terms used in the field; examples of coordination in practice; and a list of other useful resources.

Deadline: March 15, 2019, for submission of essays

Indoor Recess Ideas for K-5

Physical movement, STEM challenges, arts and crafts, games, and old-time favorites; this post from WeAreTeachers lists 40 ideas for keeping kids engaged on those inclement weather days.

If you are familiar with GoNoodle for physical activity, then perhaps you have heard of Cosmic Kids Yoga. If not, it’s a source made up of 10-15 minute videos that incorporate stories, music, and characters to make yoga fun. Try it with your students and check out all the other ideas.

Unity Day – October 25, 2018

Lewis and Clark Elementary staff members greeted students Thursday morning with inspirational messages to pump them up and to know they are special and can do anything they set their mind to.  To show unity, the staff wore orange shirts with blue jeans.  We love our students and want them to be their best!
