Schoology’s Elementary Experience

Schoology, now affiliated with PowerSchool, is working to develop a friendlier user interface for elementary students with implementation planned for the 21-22 school year. If you are familiar with Seesaw, then this interface will please you as the look and feel will be similar. This article from PowerSchool will show an example of the interface and tell about some of the features.

Please take note that CCPS has not made its decision at this point in time what the LMS for elementary use will be for the 21-22 school year.

Left, Center, Right – View All Sides

How do you know what is fact and what is fake in today’s news stories?

AllSides is an unbiased balanced news website that takes today’s top stories and displays them side-by-side (left, center, right) so you can do a comparison of how one story is portrayed from the different political viewpoints. From there, you decide what is real and what is stretched or simply take note of how bias may play into the reporting of journalist’s personal beliefs.

Solve Me – Who Am I?

Sharpen your math skills playing a game of “Solve Me – Who Am I?”. This interactive resource is good for number sense math concepts and algebraic equations. Play and solve puzzles at different levels. Build puzzles using coding blocks. Challenge yourself with a Bingo puzzle by solving each clue and selecting that number on the card before advancing to the next clue. Your goal is to fill in the blanks for the missing digits and solve the mystery.

This could be a bell-ringer activity or a 5-minute opening activity to start off your math class or as students log in for the day to get the gears turning in their brains. Click on the image tile below for a full view of the question type.

K12 Historical Marker Contest

Students and classrooms can submit suggested historical markers through the portal below, or by mailing their submission to the Department of Historic Resources. 

Mailed submissions may be printed out, or written on our Blank Historical Marker Template.

Submissions should include:

  1. Name of Student
  2. Name of Teacher
  3. Name of School
  4. Name of School Division
  5. Suggested Name of Marker (Person, Group, Event, or Place)
  6. Dates of Significance (Dates of birth and death if an individual, or date of event. This field is optional.)
  7. Description of Marker (3-5 sentences)
  8. Suggested Location for Marker

Suggested historical markers must be submitted by Monday, March 15, 2021 to be considered. After submissions are received, the Department of Historical Resources and Governor’s Cabinet will select the top submissions.

QR Codes On-the-Fly With Chrome

Looking for a quick and easy way to create QR Codes with Google Chrome that doesn’t require an app or extension?

If you have an updated version of Chrome, then you have the built-in feature to create QR Codes on the fly of the website you are currently visiting. When you click in the URL bar in Chrome, you will see the following appear to the far right in the bar. Click download and you’ve got your QR Code ready to share. Using Chrome for the rapid generator does not give you the features to make it fancy but if you want a quick and easy code to share, this is your ticket.