iTunes U

Virginia on iTunes U is an educational and communications tool offering podcasts from all academic colleges, many student organizations, campus services, the Integrative Center for Homeland Security, and the George Bush Presidential Library. In the age of new media, podcasting provides users with mobile access to educational resources and direct control over content through subscriptions. Modeled on the Apple iTunes Store site, Virginia on iTunes U is a searchable repository for educational audio, video, and PDF podcasts shared with the public. Therefore, students are able to access educational content in the interface that offers music, movies, and other entertainment. Virginia on iTunes U is a non-commercial site and all content is available at no charge to the public.

Ontario, Canada – 360 Panorama

My trip to Toronto this summer. Had dinner in the tallest building in the world, the CN Tower and attended a Roger Water’s “Return of the Wall” concert in the Toronto Blue Jays Stadium. From there, Niagara Falls.

AR Widget for the iPhone

Get your FREE K-12 Accelerated Reader App for the iPhone here.

Download K12 Activity from the App StoreSM or from your iPhone or iPod touch.

What are Widgets?

A widget is a small chunk of HTML code you can add to a website to display student’s Renaissance Place data.

Widgets are a fun, visual way to display up-to-date information.


iTunes U

Coming this fall to iTunesU is Caroline County Public Schools.  Collections of information will include School Board Meetings in audio form, the Policy Manual, Instructional Applications, etc.

Stay tuned for the launch this fall.