Exit Tickets With ExitPoll

Polling students on their way out of your classroom could not be any easier with a mobile device and ExitPoll, a web-based classroom tool. Grab your tablet, open your browser and go to the website. Post your question and then have students tap the answer choice as they exit your room. Results are instant. Questions can be T/F, Y/N, R/W or ranked from 1-3, 1-4, or 1-5. Click on the image below or click on the button in the bottom right hand corner of ClassroomScreen.com

Answer Garden for Feedback

AnswerGarden is a social word cloud that makes it easy for teams and audiences to brainstorm or share ideas, opinions, and knowledge in an easy and immediate way.  It can be used by teachers to establish the knowledge level of a class on a certain topic. It can be used as icebreakers at conferences or workshops in a fun and interactive fashion. It can be used for online brainstorming sessions.

AnswerGarden is completely free, requires no registration, and takes only 2 minutes to set up.  Take part in my AnswerGarden by clicking on the logo below!


Dotstorming – Pinterest-like Collaboration Board

Looking for a brainstorming or decision making platform where participants can vote and comment using a visual polling type tool?

Dotstorming is a web-based real-time group brainstorming and decision making app that takes the process of dot voting online to allow groups of people to collaborate on a topic.

For example, post pictures of artwork and have students cast their vote for which picture is the work of Michelangelo, then ask students to comment by explaining why they made their choice.  Solid circles at the bottom left of the image represents votes and comments made are tallied at the bottom right.


  • Create a Dotstorming board
  • Invite participants
  • Add your ideas
  • Vote on the ideas you likedotstorming