Padlet – Your Online Pinboard

Padlet is an easy to use Internet application that works like an online pinboard where people can express thoughts on a topic, brainstorm ideas, and share content like images, videos, etc.  Posts to Padlet give you the option to list your name, nickname, or no name at all.

This service works online or through an app for mobile devices making it readily available with ease. Padlet boards can be shared with others through social media, links, qr codes, or embedded on your website as shown below.

Made with Padlet

More examples can be viewed here.

LinoIt – Sticky Notes/PinBoard

Lino is an online web sticky note service that can be used as a web canvas. Better yet, Lino can be a student’s online pinboard. Simply assign your students an independent or small group task and let them show what they know by pinning content in the form of text, pictures, and videos. What better way to integrate technology with your lesson. Check out these two example starters:
Social Studies 3.1
Virginia Studies VS.2a-c