Online Learning Resources With Curriki

Curriki supports online learning in all major K-12 subject areas with thousands of activities therefore making Curriki a blended learning resource that will work well with Schoology or any other learning management system.  Curriki is OER (Open Educational Resources) which means it will always be a free resource.

Educators from around the world access and contribute to this free and open-ended library of digital resources in efforts to empower educators and engage students in their learning which in turn bridges the educational divide.

Browse the resource library by subject or standard, or browse collections and select specific statements.


Multimedia Educational Resources for Learning & Online Teaching

This collection of online teaching and learning services is free and open to the world by an international education community.

The MERLOT collection consists of thousands of discipline-specific learning materials and learning exercises are intended to enhance the teaching experience. All of these items have been contributed by the MERLOT member community, who have either authored the materials themselves, or who have discovered the materials, found them useful, and wished to share their enthusiasm for the materials with others in the teaching and learning community.

All the materials in MERLOT are reviewed for suitability for retention in the collection. Many undergo the more extensive “peer review” for which MERLOT is famous.

Open Education Resources

What is OER?  Open Education Resources (OER) are materials used for both teaching and learning that is free for all to use.  It could be in the form of a course, lecture, homework assignment, quiz, challenge, project, etc. and because it is open-education, the digital rich collections come from our global community at large.

The move to OER affords educational facilities an alternative to adaptable curricula in support of teacher expertise and peer-based learning. The fact the price point is free also attracts educational systems.

As we move towards Schoology, the OER Common website would be a good resource to find full courses with all materials from a teaching perspective and also get a feel of the course from a student’s point of view.