Digital ReadWorks for Comprehension K-12

Improve reading comprehension with Digital ReadWorks for students in grades K-12.  This resource is web-based and imports nicely into Google Classroom.  Accounts are free for teachers.  The site is easy to navigate and allows you to collect formative data as your students work through the assignments you give them. Grading is automatic. Subject material for all topics (social studies, science, literary, skills and strategies, and special collections).

  • Find & Assign Articles
    • award–winning, authentic, nonfiction and literary articles
  • Create Classes
    • for assignments and formative assessments
  • Students Read Online
    • students engage with articles and curriculum online
  • Support Progress
    • view and evaluate formative assessment data

Online Questions with Automatic Grading from ReadWorks on Vimeo.

How students get to their assignments:

  1. Students go to:
  2. Students sign in with their Google account.
  3. Students enter class code given by their teacher.

“Your Try/My Try” Spelling Chart

your try/my tryHow many times a day do your students ask you, “How do you spell ___?”

Make the writing process easier for you and your students using this risk free spelling chart that will keep your students writing.  Students refer to the chart while writing thus freeing up your time to meet with more students and provide assistance.  It takes every little time to implement this in your classroom. Click the image to be directed to Runde’s Room and read about her classroom experience.

The Learning Journal

Seesaw is a free student-driven digital portfolio app that empowers students (as young as 5!) to independently create, capture, and share artifacts of learning.


Collect and Organize Digital and Physical Work in One Place
∙ View entire class feed, or sort by individual student or subject area.
∙ Use folders to organize content by subject or learning goals.
∙ Great for parent-teacher conferences, assessments, or student self-reflection.
∙ Access student content anywhere, anytime from iOS app or on the web.

Designed for K and up to Use Independently
∙ Gives students ownership of their own space to create & record what they learn.
∙ Students can add text and voice recordings to journal items to reflect, explain, and develop their academic voice
∙ Simple QR code login, student-friendly content creation tools, and teacher approval of new items all make Seesaw safe for students to use independently.

Add All Types of Student Work
∙ Use our suite of creative tools to create photos, videos, drawings or notes.
∙ Add directly from many popular content creation apps (Shadow Puppet Edu, PicCollage, Book Creator, Explain Everything, iMovie, Skitch, Keynote, Pages, Numbers, Docs, Pages, Drive, and more).
∙ Kid-friendly camera only takes a photo when subject is in focus and camera is steady.

Communicate and Collaborate With Tackk

Tackk is a place to connect with others, be creative and have fun conversations. Engage students, improve collaboration and spark creativity with Tackk.  Students tap into creativity using colors, fonts, patterns, images, video, audio and more.

This would be a great tool for book talks, science experiments, and geography games like where in the world is…?  This collaborative tool is user friendly. Check it out!