Google Work Collector/Dropbox

Google Drive and Dropbox… let’s combine them and call it Google Work Collector. This hybrid tool allows users to place items in your Google Drive without having to log in to their Google account. What better way to get files off an iPad that is used by so many students! It sure beats having to airdrop to an iPhone, then going to iCloud and downloading to a PC in order to use the file or media type you created on an iPad. Hot diggity! YES!

Watch this short video (2:50 minutes) to see how easy it is to set up. Once you have your special app link created, I suggest shortening the URL with or Tiny URL or create a QR Code you can readily scan we needed.

Video Notes

How handy would it be to take notes while watching a video that was assigned to you?

With Video Notes you can type in notes that are automatically synchronized with the video AND it integrates with Google Drive making it easy to share simply by managing permissions.

This open source tool works with Coursera, Udacity, EDX, Khan Academy, Vimeo, and YouTube videos.

Give it a try. Video Notes is a tool you will want to share with your students!