DocuTube Add-On for Google Docs

Interested in viewing video from a Google Doc without having to leave your document?

Google Docs does not allow you to embed videos directly into a document leaving you having to jump in and out of your document to view the video. Introducing DocuTube!  This add-on creates an embedded YouTube video in a popup using the links in the document.

Things to know about DocuTube:

  • Plays videos without having to leave the document
  • Easy to set up as the creator and as the viewer
  • Only plays videos that are on YouTube
  • DocuTube add-on must be installed for viewer
  • Users need editing rights in the document in order to use the add-on

Kaizena Add-On Tool

Leave Voice Comments in Google Docs

For teachers who use Google Classroom this tool is for you.  With Kaizena Mini you can add voice or text comments to your student’s work stored within Google Drive.  This tool is easy to install and easy to use.

To Install Kaizena Mini Add-On
Open the document you want to leave with voice comments. Go to Menu → Add-ons → Get Add-ons. Search for “Kaizena.” Click on the “+ FREE” next to the Kaizena Mini Add-on, then follow the instructions to install the add-on tool to your Google account.

For more information about the tool, visit Daily Genius.