Google’s Smarty Pins, Geography Trivia

Are you interested in testing your geography skills?  Google has engineered a fun, interactive, trivia game that tests your knowledge of the world map in six different categories.

  • March Madnesssmarty pins
  • Arts and Culture
  • Science and Geography
  • Sports and Games
  • Entertainment
  • History and Current Events

You get hints like “this is the only point in the United States where four corner states meet” and then you drop the pin as close to that location as possible. Sometimes it’s a country, city or a specific landmark.

Go to Google and type in ‘smarty pins‘ to get started.



Spring Break Geocaching On Way To Florida

I drove south to the Sunshine State over spring break to visit my family and during my travels I took a little time to geocache so I could earn the state badge.  There were some interesting finds along the way.  My favorite was the tower.  Dana and I hit one ‘did not find’ cache in NC.  We spent 40 minutes on that little bear and surely looked like a couple of fools on the ground.  What made it fun was laughing at ourselves and each other for being so determined and coming up unable to log the find.  Some of the GPS coordinates had us going in circles. What’s up with that geocachers of America?