Little Alchemy 2

Combine elements to make up new elements, for example:
water and fire make up steam,
steam and the earth make up a geyser,
water and fire make up steam,
water and earth make mud

Little Alchemy2 is web-based or you can add it to your Chrome web browser as an extension that can be used offline as well. Go ahead and play around with it. It’ll get your students thinking about the states of matter.

Earth Science Photography Contest

To celebrate Earth Science Week, October 14-20, 2018, the American Geosciences Institute (AGI) is sponsoring a photography contest. The photography theme for this year is “Inspired by Earth.” The contest is open to interested persons of any age, who are residents of the United States. Entries must be original, authentic, unpublished photographs that capture evidence of ways people are inspired by Earth in their art, whether through dance, sculpture, or some other art form. A panel of geoscientists will judge the photographs on creativity, as well as on relevance to and incorporation of the topic. The winner will receive a prize of $300 and a copy of AGI’s The Geoscience Handbook. In addition, the winner’s name and photograph, and the names of the finalists will be posted on the Earth Science Week website.

Deadline: October 19, 2018, 5 p.m. (ET), for entries