
Dotstorming is a real time collaboration board for brainstorming ideas or engaging discussion. Postings are open for comments or voting. Participants can chat with others through a chat window before or during a collaborative activity.

Boards are shareable and embed nicely to your website.

Classkick – Learn Together

Classkick is interactive, engaging, collaborative, and makes learning fun.  As students work on a teacher-made Classkick assignment from their iPads, teachers see every students’ work progressing all at once. Students can privately raise hands, teachers give individualized, real-time student feedback, and may even interact with their peers about the subject assigned.

Create your account today.  Classkick is free.  An app is also available at the app store.  Check out the tutorial videos below.

Communicate and Collaborate With Tackk

Tackk is a place to connect with others, be creative and have fun conversations. Engage students, improve collaboration and spark creativity with Tackk.  Students tap into creativity using colors, fonts, patterns, images, video, audio and more.

This would be a great tool for book talks, science experiments, and geography games like where in the world is…?  This collaborative tool is user friendly. Check it out!