Quizlet Live for Team Based Learning

This collaborative classroom activity has students working together in teams to correctly match up terms or definitions. The first team to match 12 in a row is declared the winner.

What you need to create a game:

  • A Quizlet study set (with at least 12 unique terms)
  • At least six students
  • A computer or mobile device for each student
  • 10-20 minutes of class time

How it works:

  • Students work together in randomized teams of 3 or 4
  • Teams race to match all the terms and definitions
  • Incorrect answers reset the team’s progress to zero
  • The first team to match all 12 terms correctly in a row wins
  • At the end of a game, teams view their results

Zunal Webquest Projects

Zunal is a free online resource for creating webquests with a template but better yet it is a repository of thousands of webquests created by teachers and shared with the general public ready for use. Webquests are designed as projects for small groups of students to work together in completing the assigned task. Click the image below for a chart categorizing webquests by subject matter and grade level. The examples listed are for grades 9-12.

Search webquests by subject matter and grade level.

Dotstorming – Pinterest-like Collaboration Board

Looking for a brainstorming or decision making platform where participants can vote and comment using a visual polling type tool?

Dotstorming is a web-based real-time group brainstorming and decision making app that takes the process of dot voting online to allow groups of people to collaborate on a topic.

For example, post pictures of artwork and have students cast their vote for which picture is the work of Michelangelo, then ask students to comment by explaining why they made their choice.  Solid circles at the bottom left of the image represents votes and comments made are tallied at the bottom right.


  • Create a Dotstorming board
  • Invite participants
  • Add your ideas
  • Vote on the ideas you likedotstorming



PenPal Schools for Digital Literacy

PenPal Schools is a web-based platform connection students through online curriculum ​to ​practice skills and explore the world.

Connect with over 100,000 students in 170 countries to learn together. PenPals ages 8 and up collaborate through high-quality online courses to learn about cultures and global challenges while practicing language and technology skills. Weekly lessons can be completed at any time from any device to easily fit into busy class schedules.


POINT is a collaborative web toolpoint for students and teachers that engages discussion by easily sharing ones thoughts and ideas from websites or specific articles on the Internet.  POINT is a Chrome extension add-on you install to the browser. It’s free. Give it a try!