Exit Tickets With ExitPoll

Polling students on their way out of your classroom could not be any easier with a mobile device and ExitPoll, a web-based classroom tool. Grab your tablet, open your browser and go to the website. Post your question and then have students tap the answer choice as they exit your room. Results are instant. Questions can be T/F, Y/N, R/W or ranked from 1-3, 1-4, or 1-5. Click on the image below or click on the button in the bottom right hand corner of ClassroomScreen.com

Voki in the Classroom

Go ahead, click the play button to hear what I have to say!

Did you know that Voki has a lesson plan database, teacher’s corner, and newsletter available at no cost to you?  If you don’t know about Voki avatars or you haven’t visited their site in a while, then now is the time to check out how far they have come.  Your students are sure to embrace this technology and become engaged!  www.voki.com