Schoology’s Elementary Experience

Schoology, now affiliated with PowerSchool, is working to develop a friendlier user interface for elementary students with implementation planned for the 21-22 school year. If you are familiar with Seesaw, then this interface will please you as the look and feel will be similar. This article from PowerSchool will show an example of the interface and tell about some of the features.

Please take note that CCPS has not made its decision at this point in time what the LMS for elementary use will be for the 21-22 school year.

TeacherMade Converts Paper Files to Interactive Files

I have been asked many times, how can I make my pdf into a fillable form? Or, I have this worksheet that I want to scan and have my students digitally enter in their answers. How can I do that easily?

Well, Laura Bresko, a former K-12 school teacher has developed a free service for teachers that does that and even more. How about having those interactive, fillable forms be gradable? Yes, you heard right. These converted files can be graded for you. Imagine that! And all for free, too. Even after COVID.

Go to: and sign up with a Google account. Laura is currently working on having her service integrate with Google Classroom, therefore it is suggested you use a Google account to sign up. In 2021, Laura will likely be offering full integrations with LMS’s like Canvas, Schoology, itslearning, etc. Click features to compare TeacherMade to Google Slides.

Thanks Mel for sharing. This is a game changer!

Crio by Curriculum Pathways

Imagine, create, and share lessons that inspire students’ natural curiosity. Using Crio’s drag-and-drop editor, transform your lessons into interactive, online resources – for free!

This would make a good alternative option to use within Schoology. Look at this preview of “What are real numbers?” and “Que te gusta comer?” for a glimpse of what Crio looks like.

What are real numbers?, QL #C3294

¿Qué te gusta comer?, QL #C3296

Schoology at the Elementary Level

There are 4 teachers (grades 4 and 5) at each elementary school that are going through Schoology Basics training and are piloting the online learning management system with their students.

At Lewis and Clark ES, Carol Yonkin (4th grade) and Melissa Taylor (5th grade) are diving right in with their students by starting with simple tasks for becoming familiar with the system.  Pictured below students follow oral directions for navigation and learn some terminology.  Then they explore by following course instructions.

schoology class
Taylor’s Class – First day in Schoology. Students watched Grammar Gorillas from Fun Brain and took part in a discussion.


Yonkin’s Class – First time in Schoology. Students reflected on a video and participated in a discussion using guidelines and a rubric.

Lewis and Clark ES students seem to enjoy this method of learning.






Schoology is packed with apps and resources that keep courses inclusive.


Students can work in Schoology without having to veer outside the platform.

A Mindset To Embrace

With Schoology and Chromebooks on the horizon, this one minute video is to  inspire breaking out of the box and embracing a new mindset… Be More Dog!