QR Codes On-the-Fly With Chrome

Looking for a quick and easy way to create QR Codes with Google Chrome that doesn’t require an app or extension?

If you have an updated version of Chrome, then you have the built-in feature to create QR Codes on the fly of the website you are currently visiting. When you click in the URL bar in Chrome, you will see the following appear to the far right in the bar. Click download and you’ve got your QR Code ready to share. Using Chrome for the rapid generator does not give you the features to make it fancy but if you want a quick and easy code to share, this is your ticket.


Draw, Share, Collaborate!

Connect multiple students and devices to the same board. Draw with your fingers, mouse, or pencil. This no-cost resource has been around for 6 months and is packed with great features.

Whether virtual or hybrid, this resource could be a must-have. The 9 minute video on Whiteboard.chat is definitely worth a look.


This resource couldn’t be any easier to use. It’s an online multiplayer buzzer system you can use with your students for drill or assess them while you teach. Have students answer questions in a text box or drill them for speed in recalling facts. Students love competition! You can also just have them use the buzzer to ring in and be ready to answer when called upon. It’s free and very simple to use.


Background Removal of Images

Manipulate images by removing backgrounds to make them transparent or you can add a new background to give your image more of an impact with a free web service called: remove.bg The service offers plans for a more professional or high definition look but if you test it out, you may find the free version suitable. Give it a try.

My example shows a comparison of the original image (left) converted to a transparent background (right). Use the slider (< >) to see the full image on either side. Other backgrounds are available for selection.

Thank you Kim Kelly at CHS for sharing this resource. 🙂

Google Meet Translate

This built-in tool can be especially handy for students who don’t speak English. The Google Meet menus, chat conversations, and live closed captions can be translated in real-time.

Eric Curts, Google Expert provides step-by-step instructions with pictures and a short 5 minute video for visual learners on how to engage the translation tool in Google Meet.

Google Meet Translate Tutorial by Eric Curts
