Wizard School For Curriculum and Creativity

Wizard School is an app for iOS and Android that was developed by educators coming from elementary and middle school backgrounds. It inspires creative thinking through exploration. Students learn about various subjects, then create pictures and videos to showcase what they’ve learned. From educators to educators, this app is free with no in-app purchases.

1. EXPLORE fascinating topics, such as science, design, languages, geography, and sports.

More than 3,000 videos, maps, and content curated by educators.

2. CREATE something awesome with fun stickers, videos, photos, and drawing tools!

Fun Challenges designed by educators will inspire you to design, tinker, and build.

Design a treehouse. Write with hieroglyphics. Make a talking president. And more!

3. SHARE your creations with family and friends with safe, private messages.

100% controlled by parents, who can monitor everything.

Parents can reply from their email and view creations on a private website.


Google Arts and Culture

Attention teachers who teach science, history, and art!

This resource is fabulous.  Google unveiled a resource for you that will help you and your students discover works and artifacts, allowing you to immerse yourself in cultural experiences from a myriad of museums across 70 countries around the world. Search projects, experiments, artists, mediums, art movements, historical events, historical figures, and places. Watch the intro video and check out the examples below.

Insert Learning

Insert Learning is a Chrome extension that lets you turn any webpage into an interactive lesson.  Think about blog sites like Quora, Tween Tribune or Medium where you can take a post and highlight key points, quotes or phrases; or make comments, ask questions, or even start a discussion if you’d like.  Check out my sample below or better yet, go to the demo page and test it out for yourself.  I think you’ll find this tool to be a ‘must have’ with your Chrome web browser.  This extension can be shared and assigned to classes in google classroom.  Amazing find!  Got to have it!Insert Learning



Stop Motion Animation

Google Slides is more than a multimedia presentation tool.  Not only can you make interactive whiteboard activities, but you can also create your own stop motion animation movies with just a few tips and tricks. Stop motion animation simply means that you create still slides one by one and then compile it into a movie file when done.

Think of the creative ways you and your students could use Google Slides for stop motion animation that could:

  • make science come to life demonstrate how to solve a math problem
  • re-enact a historical event
  • tell a story or retell a story you read in class
  • demonstrate how to solve a math problem

The following blog post at ControlAltAchieve gives two examples of stop motion movies and the step-by-step instructions on how to create either type.

Irregular Areas and Defining Identical

Google’s Smarty Pins, Geography Trivia

Are you interested in testing your geography skills?  Google has engineered a fun, interactive, trivia game that tests your knowledge of the world map in six different categories.

  • March Madnesssmarty pins
  • Arts and Culture
  • Science and Geography
  • Sports and Games
  • Entertainment
  • History and Current Events

You get hints like “this is the only point in the United States where four corner states meet” and then you drop the pin as close to that location as possible. Sometimes it’s a country, city or a specific landmark.

Go to Google and type in ‘smarty pins‘ to get started.