Keywords for Internet Searching

keyword-search4th and 5th grade students are learning how to use KEYWORDS for Internet searching. A few students were asked to describe an object in their mind by giving the class one keyword at a time to see how broad their
guesses started out before narrowing down their guesses to the correct answer. Discussion on how to read a results page was covered when demonstrating an example of a search to the class. Students learned how to determine the validity of a website by the URL extension, see the total number of sites answering the call to their keyword search, and that companies pay to advertise their business to be at the top of the page.   Vocabulary consisted of: keyword, precise, synonyms, and results page.  Students also learned the difference between a web browser and a search engine.

After the lesson (part 1), students were paired with a partner and given 3 searches.  They listed their keywords, answer to the question, and 2 reputable websites that confirm the answer to the question given. Students were challenged to solve A Google A Day search at the end of class.

The lesson is in two parts whereas part 2 will cover more detailed search techniques.  Following up with KEYWORDS, students will be introduced to QR CODES where they will use iPads to scan codes for review in Virginia Studies and US Geography. Their activity is not multiple choice but rather open ended questions. If students don’t know the answer to what the QR Code is prompting, then they must use their KEYWORD skills to find it on the Internet.


Peanutize Me

peanut profile 500Peanutize Me – This was shared with me this morning so I am sharing it here. Cute site for creating a Peanut character of yourself. For fun, use it as a profile image or set it as wallpaper. Instructionally, I can see this being used for digital story writing. Students can design a few characters/scenes and then use them to create their own comic telling a story that contains the 5 story peanut wallpaper 700elements.
Check it out – Thanks for sharing Ron! Yes, that’s me with the blonde hair – Ha!

SeeSaw – The Digital Journal App

seesawLook what we’re doing with SeeSaw!  Second graders are being introduced to using the iPads and are given explore time while I work with students one-on-one for the first time in SeeSaw.  The smiles on their faces tell me this year long project is going to be a hit. And the best part is that it’s friendly, secure, and can be shared only with the teacher and the child’s parents. Students gain access to the app by scanning a QR Code that is unique to their class therefore student journal entries can only be made from school.

Click SeeSaw Accomplishments for a sample of what second grade students began with in Mrs. Wiedeman’s Class and Mrs. Rule’s Class.

The Learning Journal

Seesaw is a free student-driven digital portfolio app that empowers students (as young as 5!) to independently create, capture, and share artifacts of learning.


Collect and Organize Digital and Physical Work in One Place
∙ View entire class feed, or sort by individual student or subject area.
∙ Use folders to organize content by subject or learning goals.
∙ Great for parent-teacher conferences, assessments, or student self-reflection.
∙ Access student content anywhere, anytime from iOS app or on the web.

Designed for K and up to Use Independently
∙ Gives students ownership of their own space to create & record what they learn.
∙ Students can add text and voice recordings to journal items to reflect, explain, and develop their academic voice
∙ Simple QR code login, student-friendly content creation tools, and teacher approval of new items all make Seesaw safe for students to use independently.

Add All Types of Student Work
∙ Use our suite of creative tools to create photos, videos, drawings or notes.
∙ Add directly from many popular content creation apps (Shadow Puppet Edu, PicCollage, Book Creator, Explain Everything, iMovie, Skitch, Keynote, Pages, Numbers, Docs, Pages, Drive, and more).
∙ Kid-friendly camera only takes a photo when subject is in focus and camera is steady.

2nd Graders Use iPads

Second graders at Bowling Green Elementary were introduced to iPads this week and began using a Math and Language program for review.  2nd Grade Learning Games was purchased for the school.  Students were thrilled to have these devices placed in their hands and look forward to using them more frequently.

  • Math – Money, Time, Place Value, Multiply, Numbers
  • Language – Alphabetical Order, Spelling, Puncuation, Synonyms and Antonyms, Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives