Tackk is a place to connect with others, be creative and have fun conversations. Engage students, improve collaboration and spark creativity with Tackk. Students tap into creativity using colors, fonts, patterns, images, video, audio and more.
This would be a great tool for book talks, science experiments, and geography games like where in the world is…? This collaborative tool is user friendly. Check it out!
Alexa is a 5th grade student who enjoys being creative. On Sunday, April 26, 2015, she was inspired to build a parlor for several of her “Littlest Pets” using wood scraps saved from her Gramma’s woodworking projects. Alexa used the following supplies:
wood scraps of all different sizes and types
wood glue
scroll saw (with supervision)
Alexa started by gluing together a platform. She built a small wall for the sides and back before creating and designing her store front. As she grabbed pieces of scraps, you could see the wheels turning in her head. As her Gramma, I decided to take advantage of this opportunity and teach Alexa how to use a scroll saw. She became even more excited because now she could be a little more precise about the pieces she wanted to use. She glued, clamped, and sawed wood until her design finally took shape to what she had painted in her mind. While the main store was drying, Alexa created a road sign for her store and a crib for her smaller “Pets”. She was so proud of her creation and so was I. Her design is far better than what you can buy already built in the stores. 🙂
ice cream parlor (front)
ice cream parlor (back)
store front w/sign and crib
store inside
I asked Alexa if you she could tell me what the SCIENCE was in her project and she said it was in the structure. TECHNOLOGY was using the scroll saw, ENGINEERING was her putting it all together, and MATH came in to play when she measured and marked pieces of wood that needed cut. Click the images to see the detail in a larger view. Way to go Alexa! High Five!
Second graders at Bowling Green Elementary were introduced to iPads this week and began using a Math and Language program for review. 2nd Grade Learning Games was purchased for the school. Students were thrilled to have these devices placed in their hands and look forward to using them more frequently.
Math – Money, Time, Place Value, Multiply, Numbers
Language – Alphabetical Order, Spelling, Puncuation, Synonyms and Antonyms, Verbs, Nouns, and Adjectives
Photos For Class is a website that searches Flickr and finds only G-rated images that can be used for educational purposes. Not only are the images safe and of good quality, but when you download a photo, you automatically get the citation and that’s the best part.
Safe G Rated Images – All images are appropriate for school setting thanks to Flicker safe Search and proprietary filters
Automatic Citation – Downloaded images automatically cite the author and the image license terms
Creative Commons – All photos shown fall within the Creative Commons license for school use
I drove south to the Sunshine State over spring break to visit my family and during my travels I took a little time to geocache so I could earn the state badge. There were some interesting finds along the way. My favorite was the tower. Dana and I hit one ‘did not find’ cache in NC. We spent 40 minutes on that little bear and surely looked like a couple of fools on the ground. What made it fun was laughing at ourselves and each other for being so determined and coming up unable to log the find. Some of the GPS coordinates had us going in circles. What’s up with that geocachers of America?