White House App Gives Augmented Tour

You won’t need a security clearance to get a tour of the White House with this free augmented reality app built by the White House Historical Association and Nexus Studios.

“1600” gives you a fun and interactive tour of the White House while learning about presidents, holidays, and major seasonal events like state arrival ceremonies and the Easter Egg Roll.

Check it out!  All you need is a tablet and a dollar bill to take the tour. When you are finished, your dollar goes back in your pocket. 🙂

Engineer Girl Essay Contest

The 2017 Engineer Girl Essay Contest is now open until February 1, 2017 at 6pm. Students (both boys and girls) in grades 3-12 can submit an essay engineer-girlwith their engineering ideas for helping vulnerable and endangered animals.

To enter the contest:

  • Elementary School Students (grades 3-5); Essays must be 400 to 700 words.
    • Imagine that you are an engineer.  Identify an organization that might implement your proposed solution and write a letter to the leader of that organization.  In your letter, describe your proposed solution in detail, explain how it should be implemented, and discuss why it is important to implement. To strengthen your submission think of questions the leader may have about your solution, and attempt to answer them in your letter.
  • High School Students (grades 9-12); Essays must be 1000 to 1500 words.
    • Imagine that you are an engineer in an engineering firm poised to implement your proposed solution in a specific location and/or situation.  Write a proposal to the organization that would fund this project.   Describe the solution in detail and explain how and why it should be implemented.  Describe the expertise available at your imaginary firm and explain how any other groups might need to be involved in the design, manufacturing, and distribution processes.  Explain what has already been tried or is already known about this type of solution and what would be new or innovative.  Describe how you will test or anticipate failure for any new innovations to minimize risk. Describe exactly what this project would aim to achieve, and make a case for why the cost would be justified.

For more information, visit Engineer Girl.

Falling Snow Fun

Did you know that your WordPress site has a little setting for falling snow on your website?

Go to Settings and scroll to the bottom. You’ll see a check box as follows:

SpeakIt! – A Text-to-Speech Chrome Ext

speakit chrome extensionChrome extensions are add-on tools you can use with your Chrome web browser.

SpeakIt! is a text-to-speech Chrome extension app that will read webpages to you. Simply highlight the text you are interested in, then click on the chrome extension (top right corner of your browser) once you have added it.

To Install and uninstall extensions.

  • Go to the Chrome Web Store. Find and select the extension you want.
  • Click Add to Chrome. For some extensions, you’ll see a box that lists the data that the extension will be able to access.
  • Click Add to grant the extension access to your data and install the extension.

A small icon will appear in the top right hand corner of the browser.

Subscription Give-A-Way Winner

In September 2016, I sent an invitation to subscribe to my website for the purpose of receiving my technology posts to your inbox. This effort is to keep you informed of technology trends as my posts are published.

winnerThe first drawing was for a Clever PPT Presenter/Pointer held on December 2, 2016. Congratulations to Mr. Wick for being the first winner!

If you have not subscribed, I encourage you to do so.  I will have another
give-a-way item next semester.